
What You’ll Receive:

Unlimited access to 6 Natural Self Care & Childbirth Training Calls with some of the world’s foremost holistic pregnancy and birthing experts, as downloadable MP3s. Discover the unique perspectives, wisdom, and secrets each expert shares to help you give birth to a healthier, happier baby. Learn to overcome your fears and anxieties around giving birth and release stress and discomfort during your pregnancy so you can have a joyful birth experience.









“Your Best Birth: Are You Really Ready?”

With Stephanie Dawn, ALSP and
Creator of Sacred Birth Work

Pregnancy is a journey with many twists and turns along the way. Do you have reliable resources you can quickly turn to for answers? And are you prepared and ready for giving birth? There are a lot of things to worry about and keep track of and it can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Knowing your options can go a long way to calming your fears so you can focus on staying healthy and having a joyful birth experience. On this eye-opening call you will learn:

  • What having a “Sacred Birth” means to you and why it matters
  • How to create your “Sacred Birth Team” and what questions to ask
  • What you need in your Sacred Birth Plan to support you in having an ideal birth
  • Spiritual tolls and secrets to help you overcome your fear before it overcomes you --including a powerful visioning exercise

Stephanie Dawn, ALSP, is a counselor and life coach with over 20 years experience in the healing arts and over 9 years offering support around pregnancy and birth as a spiritual path for expectant parents. Stephanie is the creator of Sacred Birth Work, a teaching she offers to birth professionals around the world via the Sacred Birth Mentor Program.

She is also the author of The Sacred Birth Workbook, a step-by-step method of transmuting fear, creating confidence, engaging in excellent self-care practices, fostering understanding of the importance of pleasure and birth, and creating a heightened awareness of the transformative landscape of birth.


Simple Ways to Avoid a Dreaded C-Section

With Stacey Rosenberg D.C. and
author of Natural Pregnancy, Natural Baby

Being pregnant can be physically and emotionally exhausting. Staying mentally and physically fit is key. Keeping your pelvis properly aligned and learning how to use the proper muscles to push when the time comes, can mean the difference between a smooth, pain-free birth and one of struggle and exhaustion or worse, one that results in a Caesarian birth. In this all-important call Stacey will share:

    • Some of the major physical changes and common spinal issues that can weaken you during pregnancy and alter the position of your baby
    • The role that chiropractic care can play in helping you enjoy a healthier pregnancy and a safer childbirth
    • Why lying on your back during labor is one of the worst things you can do
    • Which birthing positions are the best and why you should choose them

Stacey Rosenberg, is a chiropractor and mother of two who specializes in pregnancy (preconception through to postpartum) and pediatric chiropractic care. She is the author of "Natural Pregnancy, Natural Baby - Natural Remedies for Pregnancy, Birth and Post-Partum Discomforts," published in September 2008. She is about to release a second revised and expanded edition of her book entitled "Natural Pregnancy, Natural Baby - Natural Remedies from Preconception to Postpartum."

Stacey has presented several “Prenatal Chiropractic Care” tele-classes to her chiropractic colleagues, has organized workshops, and lectures on a variety of health and wellness topics, including Chiropractic Care and TMJ Disorder, The Amazing Dr. You, How to Take Care of Your Spine so That It Takes Care of You, Maximizing Your Potential, Making Sense of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue, and The Science of Medicine and the Art of Healing.


Post Partum Blues: Managing the Transition to Motherhood

With Dr. Diana Hoppe, OB/GYN and author of Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You: What Your Libido Reveals About Your Life

Pregnancy brings with it a lot of physical changes and emotional challenges, especially post partum. If it's your first time, there's also the added anxiety that comes with the shifting roles you and your partner may experience in anticipation of becoming parents. This can put a strain on your relationship with your spouse or significant other, challenge your ability to communicate clearly and support each other in this transition. In this session you will learn how to enhance intimacy while dealing with physical limitations during pregnancy and post-partum, and how to maintain healthy communication to ensure you have the emotional support you need during this journey and beyond. In this session Dr. Hoppe will:

  • Give you an overview of what physical and emotional changes to expect immediately after giving birth
  • Explain what post-partum depression is, what causes it and how it typically manifests
  • Share tips on how to naturally improve symptoms and deal with communication and intimacy issues with your partner during this phase
  • Help you identify if and when it’s time to seek treatment and recommend the best options

Dr. Diana Hoppe is a distinguished physician in Obstetrics/Gynecology, highly respected clinical researcher and popular public speaker. She is also the author of the best-selling book "Healthy Sex Drive, Healthy You: What Your Libido Reveals About Your Life." She has appeared on numerous local and national Television and Radio shows, including a recent segment on the Dr. Oz Show. She is a frequent contributor to women’s health magazines, including Vogue, Women’s Health Magazine, FitPregnancy, and Brides Magazine.


How to Look & Feel Your Best Without Compromising Your Baby’s Health

With Donya Fahmy, CEO, Dropwise Essentials, Natural Self-Care Expert, and author of Aromatherapy and The Expectant Mom

Taking good care of yourself when you’re pregnant is Job #1. Whether it’s dry skin or stretch marks, stress and fatigue, puffiness and swelling, anxiety or general malaise, all of these can take a toll on your appearance and how you feel about yourself. Ironically, many of the beauty and personal care products you use to help you look and feel better are loaded with highly questionable ingredients that can put both you and your baby at risk. In this session Donya Fahmy will:

  • Reveal startling new research about ingredients in mass-produced personal care products that may pre-dispose your baby to obesity
  • Share the top 10 ingredients you MUST avoid to keep you and your baby safe
  • Share a resource you can use right away to find out how your products rank for safety
  • Give an overview of 5 most common pregnancy complaints that can be safely addressed using essential oils

Host and organizer of The Holistic Pregnancy Tele-Summit, Donya Fahmy is the CEO and Founder of Dropwise Essentials --a green health and wellness business specializing in aromatherapy and natural solutions for personal care. Inspired by her avid interest in alternative medicine and her personal experience using essential oils and herbs to successfully treat what doctors and traditional medicine couldn’t, Donya created the formulations that make up the Dropwise product line as a practical way to share the simple yet amazing benefits of “flower power.”

Donya is passionate about empowering women to take control of their health and wellness. She uses her extensive knowledge and experience with aromatherapy, natural ingredients, alternative health, and green lifestyles to educate and inspire others to practice safe and environmentally friendly ways to take care of themselves and the planet. She is currently on a mission to help a million pregnant women learn these same techniques to deliver and raise healthy and happy babies.


Orgasmic Birth: Can It Really Be This Good?

With Debra Pascali-Bonaro, Director and Co-author of Orgasmic Birth: The Best Kept Secret

Our society and culture teaches us that birth is supposed to be a painful event to be feared and dreaded instead of cherished and enjoyed. New research shows that the intimate experience of birth has a profound and lasting effect on both a woman’s life and her baby's emotional and physical wellbeing. Whether you choose to give birth at home, in a hospital, or in a birthing center, Debra will give you the knowledge you need to help you consciously create a birth environment conducive to having a joyful, ecstatic, even orgasmic birth experience –the way Mother Nature intended it! In this eye-opening session Debra will:

  • Share why having a joyful, ecstatic birth is so important to you and your baby’s long term health and wellbeing
  • Explain the relationship between sexuality and birth and how orgasm can transform your birth experience
  • Teach you how to consciously create a birth environment conducive to having a joyful birth no matter where you choose to have it
  • Share vital information about having a natural vaginal birth after having had a C-section in a prior birth

Debra Pascali-Bonaro is the creator and director of Orgasmic Birth, a documentary that examines the intimate nature of birth --an everyday miracle-- and co-author of the book "Orgasmic Birth, Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth Experience." A sought after professional speaker, Debra has trained thousands of doulas and birth professionals around the world in the practices of gentle birth support. Recognizing the powerful role birth plays in women’s lives when they are permitted to experience it fully, Debra is a pioneer in reminding humanity that birth can be full of pleasure and delight.

Debra is also chair of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization, member of the White Ribbon Alliance, a Lamaze International childbirth educator, and former Public Relations chair of the DONA International. Her work has been featured on ABC’s 20/20, The NBC Today Show, Discovery Health, in The New York Times, The LA Times, The UK Times ands numerous parenting and health magazines.


"Preparing for Easy Birth with Minimal Labor: A Panel Discussion

With Rena' Koerner, Laura Shanley, & Sheila Kamara Hay

The one thing that pregnant women fear most is the moment of truth: giving birth. If only they knew what these women know! Join birthing experts Rena’ Koerner, founder of Integrative Childbirth Services, Doulas for Surrogacy, and the Lullaby Lounge; Laura Shanley, author of “Unassisted Childbirth”; and Sheila Kamara Hay, Ecstatic Birth advocate; for a lively panel discussion on choices for childbirth. In this session we will:

  • Discuss the pros and cons of different delivery methods
  • Answer your questions about how to prepare for a pain-free birth
  • What to expect during the birth process and immediately afterwards
  • Hear different perspectives to know what options are possible





Laura Shanley is an author, freelance writer, speaker, and childbirth consultant widely recognized as one of the leading voices in the natural-birth movement. A new and expanded edition of her book, "Unassisted Childbirth," with a forward by physician and home birth advocate Michel Odent, was released in 2012. Laura maintains a website dedicated to natural childbirth and her work has been featured on ABC News, "20/20," "The Doctors," BBC, Discovery Channel, Disney, The New York Times, Reuters, and The Washington Post. She also works with women on a one-on-one basis, providing them with childbirth education and emotional support before and during pregnancy.


As the owner of Integrative Childbirth Services, Rena’ Koerner has had the pleasure of serving over 350 families. She co-founded Doulas for Surrogacy with partner Darla Burns to offer support to all triads. Later she opened the Lullaby Lounge, a local, Southern California based place where families can come for education and proper support. As a trained and certified Childbirth Professional for over ten years, Rena's goal is to bring knowledge and compassion to both clients and students. She continues to stay abreast of the latest research as it pertains to fertility, pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. She has sat on the Board of Directors for local, state and even national organizations, so she could spread the word of choices in childbirth.


Sheila Kamara Hay is the creatrix and visionary behind She fiercely desires to share with women that childbirth is not something they must endure, but something they can enjoy. As a mother of three, Sheila has experienced firsthand a range of births -- from the traumatic to the ecstatic -- and has advised and inspired countless women in the creation or reclamation of their births. Sheila serves on the board of Choices for Childbirth, a not-for-profit organization that raises awareness among expectant mothers about their options for childbirth. Sheila has worked closely with leading women in the fields of birth and pleasure, including Dr. Christiane Northrup and Regena Thomashauer (of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts). Sheila loves cracking wide open her worldview of what's possible in life and passing that knowledge on to other women.



What You’ll Receive:

Unlimited access to 6 Natural Self Care & Childbirth Training Calls with some of the world’s foremost holistic pregnancy and birthing experts, as downloadable MP3s. Discover the unique perspectives, wisdom, and secrets each expert shares to help you give birth to a healthier, happier baby. Learn to overcome your fears and anxieties around giving birth and release stress and discomfort during your pregnancy so you can have a joyful birth experience.
